Our Beliefs
Faith Is Our Foundation
God Is Real and Loved As Our Heavenly Father
Faith is the foundation for our lives. It propels us past "information" that churns all around us and brings us to a place beyond. Faith brings us to a place called meaning! Faith "connects the dots" and begins to make sense of life. But if faith is the foundation for our lives, then what is to be the foundation for our faith?
This world we live in is not the result of nothing, evolving over time! There is a designer, and a maker. This maker is more than a universal principle, or impersonal spiritual force. God is the majestic, personal, wise, and powerful creator of all things. He is our heavenly father. He loves us and has a purpose for every life. The reality of God is the foundation of all we do.
The Bible Is His Word, Our Road Map,
and Operating Instructions For Living Life
God has not left us to "figure it all out" through our own speculation. As humans, we are finite beings, limited in our perspective. To know truth with certainty, we need revelation from God himself. The word of God, the Bible, is God's solution to our dilemma. God has given us his divine perspective in his Word. We look to God's Word, the Bible, for ultimate answers; ultimate truth.
God’s Work Continues Every Day.
His Presence and Spirit Live in Our Hearts and Minds
through His Son Jesus Christ and Our Faith in Him
Jesus Christ is the central figure in human history. He is also the central figure in the revelation of God's Word - the Bible. The primary focus of the New Testament is the news of what God has done for us through His son. The life of Christ is not recorded in scripture as some story simply intended to inspire us. It is presented as solid historical reality. What God actually accomplished in history through his Son Jesus Christ is the astounding proclamation of the Christian Faith. It is the basis of unparalleled hope and joy. We focus on the Work of God -- through Jesus Christ.
God is not through working in this world. Jesus Christ is risen and alive. He promised to send the reality of his presence into our lives through the ministry of his Spirit. As he does, he gives us the dynamic of a new beginning in life through faith. He works in us and through us to make a difference in the world for Christ. This gives unique purpose to our lives and turns life into an exciting adventure with God. We anticipate God's presence and his ongoing work in and through our lives!